Храм Воскресения Христова

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Internal flag ru.png Русский язык

Храм Воскресения Христова

Transliteration: Khram Voskreseniya Khristova
Comment: полное название
у Варшавского вокзала

Воскресенская церковь (у Варшавского вокзала)

Transliteration: Voskresenskaya tserkov (u Varshavskogo vokzala)
Comment: краткое название

Церковь Воскресения Христова Всероссийского Александро-Невского братства трезвости

Transliteration: Tserkov Voskreseniya Khristova Vserossiyskogo Aleksandro-Nevskogo bratstva trezvosti
Comment: вариант названия

Internal flag en.png English

Church of the Resurrection of Christ

Comment: full name; usually a shorter name is used if there is an established one
at the Warsaw railway station
As per the St. Petersburg Toponymy Commission guidelines, transliteration of the names of religious places shall be provided alongside the translation on city signs, signs placed at transportation infrastructure objects, etc.

Resurrection Church

short name

Resurrection Church of the All-Russian Brotherhood of Sobriety Dedicated to Alexander Nevsky

other name