Никольское кладбище

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Никольское кладбище

Transliteration: Nikolskoye kladbishche
Comment: полное название
Одно из кладбищ Александро-Невской лавры. Основано в 1861 г., место погребения лаврского духовенства. Названо по церкви св. Николая Мирликийского, построенной на его территории в конце 1860-х гг.
Web-site: http://lavra.spb.ru/about/cemeteries/2766-nikolskoe-kladbische.html

Internal flag en.png English

Nikolskoye Cemetery

Comment: full name; main translation
One of the Saint Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Monastery) cemeteries. It was founded in 1861, and served as a burial place for the monastery clergy. The cemetery was named after the St. Nikolaos of Myra Church built on its territory in late 1860th.

Nikolskoye kladbishche

As per the St. Petersburg Toponymy Commission guidelines, transliteration of the cemetery names shall be provided alongside the translation on city signs, signs placed at transportation infrastructure objects, etc.