Варшавский вокзал

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Internal flag ru.png Русский язык

Варшавский вокзал

Transliteration: Varshavsky vokzal
Comment: полное название
15 мая 2001 года закрыт на реконструкцию, переоборудован в Музей железнодорожной техники и торгово-развлекательный центр «Варшавский экспресс».

Internal flag en.png English

Varshavsky Railway Station

Comment: full name; main translation
On May 15, 2001, was closed for reconstruction and reopened as the Central Museum of Railway Transport and the Warsaw Express shopping and entertainment centre.

Varshavsky vokzal

As per the St. Petersburg Toponymy Commission guidelines, transliteration of the railway station names shall be provided alongside the translation on city signs, signs placed at transportation infrastructure objects, etc.

Warsaw Railway Station

translation option; literal; not recommended by the Toponymy Commission