Церковь Преподобного Исидора Пелусиота

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Церковь Преподобного Исидора Пелусиота

Transliteration: Tserkov prepodobnogo Isidora Pelusiota
Comment: полное название
Бывшая церковь Александро-Невской Лавры (в настоящий момент в церкви располагается столярная мастерская).

Internal flag en.png English

Church of St. Isidore of Pelusium

Comment: full name; usually a shorter name is used if there is an established one
A former church in Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Monastery) currently occupied by a carpenter's workshop.
As per the St. Petersburg Toponymy Commission guidelines, transliteration of the names of religious places shall be provided alongside the translation on city signs, signs placed at transportation infrastructure objects, etc.