Храм Воскресения Словущего на Литераторских мостках
Русский язык
Храм Воскресения Словущего на Литераторских мостках
Transliteration: Khram Voskreseniya Slovushchego na Literatorskikh mostkakhComment: полное название
на Волковском кладбище
Церковь Воскресения Словущего
Transliteration: Tserkov Voskreseniya SlovushchegoComment:
Church of the Renewal Of The Jerusalem Holy Resurrection Temple at the Writer's Walkways
Comment: full name; usually a shorter name is used if there is an established oneat Volkovskoye Cemetery
As per the St. Petersburg Toponymy Commission guidelines, transliteration of the names of religious places shall be provided alongside the translation on city signs, signs placed at transportation infrastructure objects, etc.